HOM m.pesupüksid/ m.boxerbriefs CARL#2 2P
38,00 €
Materials : 95% cotton, 5% elastane
CARL#2 is a duo of boxers for men, plain electric blue or black with decorative orange stitching. Long and super comfortable boxers thanks to the stretch combed cotton material.
The CARL#2 men's boxers are long form boxers, made of natural cotton. In blue or black, these underwear are available in a pack of two complementary pieces.
Each of the two boxers is made of 95% cotton and 5% elastane yarn. This assembly, carried out in Europe, gives a breathable and absorbent textile. The material is pleasant to wear, comfortable in movement, under any type of clothing. Cotton ensures good thermal regulation of the body, in all seasons.
The long cut of the CARL#2 men's boxers is a must-have from the HOM brand: this underwear is designed to go down more on the leg than a short boxer. This shape thus limits friction at the level of the thighs and does not make the underwear "rise" in the movement. These properties also make a long boxer the ideal model for sport.
The waistband has a beautiful visual of colored stripes, the HOM logo is affixed to it in white. Its elastic band remains soft inside and does not compress thanks to the flexibility of the microfiber fabric it is made of.
Like all HOM underwear, this long boxer is OEKO-TEX® certified. It respects sensitive skin thanks to all of its components (fabric, thread, dyes) guaranteed non-toxic for the body. The CARL#2 boxer also received a Ceravida Fresh treatment. This patented technology is formulated with natural components, harmless to the body or the environment| it is very valuable for its anti-odor guarantee (limiting the growth of bacteria on the fabric).
CARL#2 is the ideal duo of the season to feel good and be confident in your underwear!
CARL#2 is a duo of boxers for men, plain electric blue or black with decorative orange stitching. Long and super comfortable boxers thanks to the stretch combed cotton material.
The CARL#2 men's boxers are long form boxers, made of natural cotton. In blue or black, these underwear are available in a pack of two complementary pieces.
Each of the two boxers is made of 95% cotton and 5% elastane yarn. This assembly, carried out in Europe, gives a breathable and absorbent textile. The material is pleasant to wear, comfortable in movement, under any type of clothing. Cotton ensures good thermal regulation of the body, in all seasons.
The long cut of the CARL#2 men's boxers is a must-have from the HOM brand: this underwear is designed to go down more on the leg than a short boxer. This shape thus limits friction at the level of the thighs and does not make the underwear "rise" in the movement. These properties also make a long boxer the ideal model for sport.
The waistband has a beautiful visual of colored stripes, the HOM logo is affixed to it in white. Its elastic band remains soft inside and does not compress thanks to the flexibility of the microfiber fabric it is made of.
Like all HOM underwear, this long boxer is OEKO-TEX® certified. It respects sensitive skin thanks to all of its components (fabric, thread, dyes) guaranteed non-toxic for the body. The CARL#2 boxer also received a Ceravida Fresh treatment. This patented technology is formulated with natural components, harmless to the body or the environment| it is very valuable for its anti-odor guarantee (limiting the growth of bacteria on the fabric).
CARL#2 is the ideal duo of the season to feel good and be confident in your underwear!
Sarnased tooted
76% polüamiid, 24% elastaan
Lase ennast hellitad TEMPTATION seeria SMOKING pesuga. Milles on kasutatud velvetist materjali nii värvlil kui külgedel.
TEMPTATION seeria on meeste aluspesu mis jätab kujutlusruumi võrgutamiseks ja fantaasiaks, jäädes samas mugavaks ja shikiks
Nendel lühikestel pükstel on veidi lühem säär kui klassikalistel bokseritel. Moodsa ja mugava välimuse poolest hinnatud shorty on nii moesõpradele kui ka sportlastele, kellele meeldib bokseri kuju ning lihtsalt liikumisvabadus.
Sääre allääre õmblusesse on lisatud elastaani, et need reit jne paremini toetaks.
Polüamiid-elastaanmaterjal tagab vastupidavuse hõõrdumisele , väga kiire kuivamise ja eriti pehme, siidise, puudutuse. Materjal on mikroventilatsiooniga, eriti hingav.
Lase ennast hellitad TEMPTATION seeria SMOKING pesuga. Milles on kasutatud velvetist materjali nii värvlil kui külgedel.
TEMPTATION seeria on meeste aluspesu mis jätab kujutlusruumi võrgutamiseks ja fantaasiaks, jäädes samas mugavaks ja shikiks
Nendel lühikestel pükstel on veidi lühem säär kui klassikalistel bokseritel. Moodsa ja mugava välimuse poolest hinnatud shorty on nii moesõpradele kui ka sportlastele, kellele meeldib bokseri kuju ning lihtsalt liikumisvabadus.
Sääre allääre õmblusesse on lisatud elastaani, et need reit jne paremini toetaks.
Polüamiid-elastaanmaterjal tagab vastupidavuse hõõrdumisele , väga kiire kuivamise ja eriti pehme, siidise, puudutuse. Materjal on mikroventilatsiooniga, eriti hingav.
Tootekood: 402309-0004.L
, Laoseis: Laos
33,00 €
Khaki, hall, must
Materjal: 93% puuvill, 7% elastaan
BERNIE 3-ne pakk boksereid meestele on soodsam komplekt sisaldades tavalisi värvilisi venivaid puuvillaseid boksereid igapäevaseks kandmiseks.
Värvel mikrokiust. Pakis olevad 3 BOXERLINES bokserid on ultrapehme puudutusega, meeldiv vastu nahka, mugavad ei pigista. HOM logo on värvlil nähtavale toodud erinevate toonidega
Nendel stretch puuvillastel bokseritel on sääre alaosas elastne äär, mis tagab reiel täiendava toe ja mugavuse.
Kammitud puuvill on töödeldud spetsiaalse mehaanilise protsessi käigus. Kammitud puuvill tähendab puuvilla kraasimist mille käigus kiud eraldatakse üksteisest, õhutatakse ning kootakse kangaks, mille käigus saavutatakse kõige parem tulemus. Kammitud puuvill on rohkem siidisem, läikivam ja pehmem puudutustele. Vastupidavam pesule ja usaldusväärsem. Puuvill on mugav ja kergesti pestav, naturaalne materjal mis on hingav ja mugav kanda.
BOXERLINES pakk 3 bokseri paariga meestele on igapäeva kandmiseks tagasihoidliku värvikombinatsiooniga.
Materjal: 93% puuvill, 7% elastaan
BERNIE 3-ne pakk boksereid meestele on soodsam komplekt sisaldades tavalisi värvilisi venivaid puuvillaseid boksereid igapäevaseks kandmiseks.
Värvel mikrokiust. Pakis olevad 3 BOXERLINES bokserid on ultrapehme puudutusega, meeldiv vastu nahka, mugavad ei pigista. HOM logo on värvlil nähtavale toodud erinevate toonidega
Nendel stretch puuvillastel bokseritel on sääre alaosas elastne äär, mis tagab reiel täiendava toe ja mugavuse.
Kammitud puuvill on töödeldud spetsiaalse mehaanilise protsessi käigus. Kammitud puuvill tähendab puuvilla kraasimist mille käigus kiud eraldatakse üksteisest, õhutatakse ning kootakse kangaks, mille käigus saavutatakse kõige parem tulemus. Kammitud puuvill on rohkem siidisem, läikivam ja pehmem puudutustele. Vastupidavam pesule ja usaldusväärsem. Puuvill on mugav ja kergesti pestav, naturaalne materjal mis on hingav ja mugav kanda.
BOXERLINES pakk 3 bokseri paariga meestele on igapäeva kandmiseks tagasihoidliku värvikombinatsiooniga.
Tootekood: 402142-40T031.XL
, Laoseis: Tellimisel
39,00 €
Koostis: 65% puuvill, 22% modaal, 13% elastaan
HOM HO1 seeria bokserid on ajalooline mudel. Need omavad meeste aluspesus revulutsioonilist horisontaalset avaust pükste ülaosas ning on meestele ülimalt mugav kasutada. Tänu elastsele voodrile eesosas, annavad need meeste bokserid sulle mugavust ja tuge igasugustes asjaoludes.
Need naturaalsest materjalist, modaal puuvill, bokserid annavad väga pehme tunde ja just mõeldud meestele kellele ei meeldi sünteetilistest materjalidest aluspesu
Modaal annab ka optimaalse niiskuse absorbeerumise ning on vastupidav venimisele ja hõõrdumisele.
Mikrofiibrist vööosa on väga pehme ja ei pigista ning nahasõbralik.
Need HO1 meeste bokserid on igapäevases kandmiseks.
HO1 seerias on suurepärane valik klassikalist ja elegantset aluspesu horisontaalse aluspesu avausega.
The birth of the HO1, Horizontal Opening n°1
1997. aastal HOM mõtles välja ja lõi ühed mugavamad aluspüksid maailmas, mis nimetati HO1 (horizontal opening No. 1). Tänu sisemisele voodrile ja horisontaalsele avausele ei ole vahet milliseid pealispükse kanda. HO1 -st on saanud "pean saama" mudel. Modaal puuvill materjal on just selle mudeli jaoks vällja töötatud. HO1 seeria on kombineeritud mugavuse, praktilisuse ja stiiliga.
Koostis: 65% puuvill, 22% modaal, 13% elastaan
HOM HO1 seeria bokserid on ajalooline mudel. Need omavad meeste aluspesus revulutsioonilist horisontaalset avaust pükste ülaosas ning on meestele ülimalt mugav kasutada. Tänu elastsele voodrile eesosas, annavad need meeste bokserid sulle mugavust ja tuge igasugustes asjaoludes.
Need naturaalsest materjalist, modaal puuvill, bokserid annavad väga pehme tunde ja just mõeldud meestele kellele ei meeldi sünteetilistest materjalidest aluspesu
Modaal annab ka optimaalse niiskuse absorbeerumise ning on vastupidav venimisele ja hõõrdumisele.
Mikrofiibrist vööosa on väga pehme ja ei pigista ning nahasõbralik.
Need HO1 meeste bokserid on igapäevases kandmiseks.
HO1 seerias on suurepärane valik klassikalist ja elegantset aluspesu horisontaalse aluspesu avausega.
The birth of the HO1, Horizontal Opening n°1
1997. aastal HOM mõtles välja ja lõi ühed mugavamad aluspüksid maailmas, mis nimetati HO1 (horizontal opening No. 1). Tänu sisemisele voodrile ja horisontaalsele avausele ei ole vahet milliseid pealispükse kanda. HO1 -st on saanud "pean saama" mudel. Modaal puuvill materjal on just selle mudeli jaoks vällja töötatud. HO1 seeria on kombineeritud mugavuse, praktilisuse ja stiiliga.
Tootekood: 359520-00ZU.L
, Laoseis: Laos
26,00 €
Materjal :90%polüamiid 10%elastaan
Vooder :93%puuvill 7%elastaan
Türkiissinise ja sinise julge lillelise mustriga trunk püksid. Mugavad pehmed ja siidise tunnetusega polüamiidi ja mikrofiibri materjalist.
Vooder :93%puuvill 7%elastaan
Türkiissinise ja sinise julge lillelise mustriga trunk püksid. Mugavad pehmed ja siidise tunnetusega polüamiidi ja mikrofiibri materjalist.
Tootekood: 405722-P0PF.L
, Laoseis: Laos
35,00 €
TIE BREAK short boxers are boxers with a sporty, vintage look from the 80s. Inspired by tennis players Björn Borg and John Mac Enroe, these ultra-comfortable and ultra-stylish HOM underwear are available in blue, red and black.
The TIE BREAK short boxers are cotton elastane boxers for men. Plain black, plain blue or plain red, they are enhanced with stitching in contrasting colors playing with the blue-white-red tricolor visual. The fantasy of the style of these short boxers is based on the reference to "preppy sport" fashion from the Borg and Mac Enroe years!
Each of these short boxers is made of 95% cotton and 5% elastane. This composition gives an absorbent and breathable textile. The material is comfortable to wear, in movement and under any type of clothing. Cotton ensures good thermal regulation of the body, in all seasons.
The short cut, also called "shorty", of the TIE BREAK boxer shorts stops below the line of the buttocks and gives the underwear a "bandeau" appearance and a very appreciable "second skin" effect.
The waistband of these short boxers does not compress| it is particularly soft, thanks to its interior loop weave. Its design is very neat with the tricolor bayadère and the HOM logo in the central label.
Like all HOM underwear, this short boxer is guaranteed and OEKO-TEX® certified. It preserves sensitive skin thanks to all its elements (fabric, thread, dye) chosen for their non-toxicity for the body: it thus reduces the risk of allergies. The TIE BREAK line has also been developed using the Ceravida Fresh process: natural components and a biological process guaranteeing the absence of chemicals, inhibiting the growth of bacteria on the fabric and keeping the garment fresh.
Short boxers TIE BREAK men's shoes are models of character, like the tennis players who inspired them or the men who will decide to wear them...
The TIE BREAK short boxers are cotton elastane boxers for men. Plain black, plain blue or plain red, they are enhanced with stitching in contrasting colors playing with the blue-white-red tricolor visual. The fantasy of the style of these short boxers is based on the reference to "preppy sport" fashion from the Borg and Mac Enroe years!
Each of these short boxers is made of 95% cotton and 5% elastane. This composition gives an absorbent and breathable textile. The material is comfortable to wear, in movement and under any type of clothing. Cotton ensures good thermal regulation of the body, in all seasons.
The short cut, also called "shorty", of the TIE BREAK boxer shorts stops below the line of the buttocks and gives the underwear a "bandeau" appearance and a very appreciable "second skin" effect.
The waistband of these short boxers does not compress| it is particularly soft, thanks to its interior loop weave. Its design is very neat with the tricolor bayadère and the HOM logo in the central label.
Like all HOM underwear, this short boxer is guaranteed and OEKO-TEX® certified. It preserves sensitive skin thanks to all its elements (fabric, thread, dye) chosen for their non-toxicity for the body: it thus reduces the risk of allergies. The TIE BREAK line has also been developed using the Ceravida Fresh process: natural components and a biological process guaranteeing the absence of chemicals, inhibiting the growth of bacteria on the fabric and keeping the garment fresh.
Short boxers TIE BREAK men's shoes are models of character, like the tennis players who inspired them or the men who will decide to wear them...
Tootekood: 402513-0004.XL
, Laoseis: Laos
33,00 €